Meat Recipe

Smoked Salmon & Kale Lasagne

Smoked Salmon & Kale Lasagne

Just a good old fashioned recipe today. I was inspired to make this by my uncle Jim, who lives by the sea and knows exactly how to cook a nice bit of fish. Its an insteresting version of a classic that everyone loves. Its not a cheap option unless you have a Lidl nearby (where you can buy the cheapest smoked salmon ever!), but there are plenty of substitutions that you can make. Instead of spinach as the original recipe stipulated, I’ve gone with Kale because of what was available at the time. Use your imagination and feel free to use this recipe as a basis for a million varieties, from Pumpkin and Ricotta to Courgette and Stilton.

I’ll probably make this again after christmas where theres also a bit of cheeky Smoked Salmon left over. Consider this recipe an early christmas present. 

  • 400 g Lasagne sheets
  • 200 g Mature cheddar (or your favourite hard cheese)
  • 75 g Butter
  • 75 g Flour
  • 600 ml Milk
  • 2 Leeks
  • 1 bag Kale
  • 1 ts Dijon mustard
  • 300 g Smoked salmon
  • 2 tbsp Crème fraîche
  1. Slice the leeks, wash them in a colinder and then fry them with the lid on for 15 minutes, checking every 5. 

  2. During this time make your becamel sauce. Melt the butter, mix in the flour and cook for 2 minutes, stirring all the time.

  3. Add the milk, bit by bit, stirring virorusly for 5-10 minutes until its a thick white sauce and then turn off the heat.

  4. Add the bag of Kale to the leeks and toss together, stir for 5 minutes until it wilts.

  5. During this time grate the cheese and add it to the white sauce with the dijon mustard.

  6. Put the white sauce to one side and get a pan of boiling water ready.

  7. Add the creme freiche to the vegeatables, stir and turn off the heat.

  8. Boil the lasagne sheets for 5 mintues then turn off the heat – leaving the sheets in the water.

  9.  Layer the lasagne with the cheese sauce, vegetables and smoked salmon, making sure the top layer is a thick layer of cheese sauce.

  10. f you fancy add some fennel, chopped walnuts, dill or sliced tomatoes on the top for something interesting.

  11. Bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. 


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